Board Meeting - February 24, 2014
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act
Resolution to conduct a portion of the meeting in the absence of the public (Committee of the Whole) in accordance with Section 29 of the TTC By-law to Govern Commission Proceedings and Section 190 of the City of Toronto Act
Confidential Minutes Of The Previous Meetings
Meeting No. 1966 held on Friday, December 6, 2013
Confidential Attachments (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29 and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (2)
(TTC Procedures By-law Section 29 and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (2))
(b) Collective Bargaining 2014 (This report is about labour relations or employee negotiations)
Education/Training (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29(B) and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (3.1)
Meeting (Open to the Public) 1:00 p.m.
Committee Room #2, 2nd Floor, City Hall
Minutes of the Previous Meetings
Business Arising Out of Minutes
Report 7(b) Improving Pedestrian Safety and Customer Journey Times: Transit Stops (Deferred from the January 28, 2014 meeting)
Staff will be presenting the requested report to the Board at the March meeting as additional time is required in order to consult with affected Councillors and ACAT.
New Business item 9(a) - Transit Priority at Surface Vehicle Entrances and Exits to Subway Stations
Staff will be presenting the requested report to the Board at the March meeting as additional time is required for consultation with the City of Toronto.
Public Presentations
Notices of Motions
Motions Without Notice
Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given
Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentations
Item 1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
1a. Proposed Acquisition 391 Alliance (For Action)
This report involves a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land for municipal or local board purposes. -
1b. Collective Bargaining 2014 (For Action)
This report is about labour relations or employee negotiations.
Item 2. Presentations
2a. Customer Satisfaction Survey (For Information)
Item 3. Budget matters
3a. Chief Executive Officer's Report - February 2014 Update (For Action)
Item 4. Procurement Authorizations
4a. Procurement Authorization - St. Clair West Station - Easier Access Phase III - Contract A45-9 (For Action)
Item 5. Procurement Authorization Amendments
5a. Procurement Authorization Amendment - Program of Requirements and Conceptual Design - Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Facilities - Contract TC85-6 (For Action)
5b. Procurement Authorization Amendment - Wilson Carhouse North Expansion Contract C1-38 (For Action)
5c. Design and Supply of Low Floor Light Rail Vehicles by Bombardier - Contract Amendments (For Information)
Item 6. Notice of Awards
Item 7. Service Matters
Item 8. Other Business
8a. Auditor General's Report - Review Of Toronto Transit Commission Bus Maintenance And Shops Department - Phase One: Bus Maintenance And Warranty Administration (For Action)
8b. Staff Response To Auditor General's Report - Review Of Wheel-Trans Services - Sustaining Level And Quality Of Service Requires Changes To The Program (For Action)
8c. Appointment of New TTC Pension Fund Society Director (For Action)
8d. Property Development - 480 University Avenue (St. Patrick Station) (For Action)
8e. Lease Extension and Amendment - 6th and 9th Floors 5160 Yonge Street (For Action)
8f. Planning and Consultation Process for Second Exits - Local Working Groups (For Information)
Item 9. New Business
Item 10. Correspondence
A correspondence summary will be distributed at the meeting.
10a. C-1 Susan Davidson, ACAT Chair forwarding approved minutes of the December 20, 2013 general monthly meeting
10b. C-2 Correspondence C-2 J. Kates Request to speak at a future meeting
10c. C-3 Correspondence C-3 A. Yule Request to speak at a future meeting
Supplementary Agenda and Reports
Item 11. Procurement Authorization - Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project - Wilson Yard Connection and Wilson Yard Signal System Modifications - Contract Numbers A70-14 and A70-18 (For Action)
A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 2, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Monday, February 24, 2014 commencing at 10:00 a.m. The meeting recessed at 10:04 a.m. and re-convened at 1:05 p.m.
M. Augimeri (Chair), M. Adamson (Vice-Chair), R. Cho, J. Colle, N. Di Donato, A. Heisey, P. Milczyn, J. Parker, K. Stintz and A. Virmani (Board Members), A. Byford (Chief Executive Officer), J. Taylor (Chief of Staff), S. Ghaly (Chief Capital Officer), G. Shortt (Acting Chief Operating Officer), C. Upfold (Chief Customer Officer and Acting Chief Service Officer), J. Lee (Acting Chief Financial & Administration Officer), B. Leck (Head of Legal & General Counsel), B. Ross (Executive Director of Corporate Communications), A. Pace (Head of Strategic Partnerships), A. Bertolo (Chief Project Manager – TYSSE), M. Darakjian (Head of Pensions), K. Lee (Head of Commission Services) and D. McDonald (Co-ordinator – Corporate Secretariat Services) were present.
M. Augimeri was in the Chair.
In this section
In this section
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Commissioner Colle moved that the Board approve the minutes from Meeting No. 1968 and that the Chair and Chief Financial & Administration Officer be authorized to sign the same.
The motion by Commissioner Colle carried.
Business Arising Out of the Minutes
a) Report 7(b) – Improving Pedestrian Safety and Customer Journey Times: Transit Stops
Chair Augimeri advised the Board that staff will be presenting the requested report to the Board at the March meeting as additional time is required in order to consult with affected Councillors and ACAT.
b) New Business Item 9(a) – Transit Priority at Surface Vehicle Entrances and Exits to Subway Stations
Chair Augimeri advised the Board that staff will be presenting the requested report to the Board at the March meeting as additional time is required for consultation with the City of Toronto.
TTC Chair Customer Highlights - February
Chair Augimeri read a number of customer highlights received during the month of February.
The first communication acknowledges the kind and helpful demeanour of a bus operator while assisting a customer in a wheel-chair exit the bus. The next letter thanks the TTC for the excellent improvement to customer service with the installation of the next vehicle information screens at Eglinton Station. The third communication recognizes a bus operator for his efficiency and concern in making sure customers on his short-turn bus were accommodated on the following vehicle before departing the route. The fourth letter thanks an operator who not only made sure they boarded the correct bus, but he assisted with ASL and took the time to advise the connecting operator that this customer could not hear. The final communication was from a customer acknowledging an operator for his kindness and concern when they took an unfortunate fall outside his bus during inclement weather.
The Board extended its appreciation to all of these employees for their role in promoting a positive image of the TTC in the performance of their duties.
Public Presentations
a) Chief Executive Officer’s Report – February 2014 Update
Alan Yule
The Board received the deputation for information.
(See Item 3(a) for minute).
b) Auditor General’s Report – Review of TTC Bus Maintenance and Shops Department – Phase One: Bus Maintenance and Warranty Administration
Alan Yule
The Board received the deputation for information.
(See Item 8(a) for minute).
c) Procurement Authorization – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project – Wilson Yard Connection and Wilson Yard Signal System Modifications – Contract Numbers A70-14 and A70-18
Prior to commencing with this public presentation Chair Augimeri moved under Section 7(a) of the Bylaw to Govern Commission Proceedings that the Board waive Section 13(a) relating to notice provisions for public presentations to permit a deputation on this item from Ashley Langford, Ansaldo STS Canada Inc.
The motion by Chair Augimeri carried on a two thirds vote of the members present.
Ashley Langford, Ansaldo STS Canada Inc.
(Submitted brief)
The Board received the deputation for information.
(See Item No. 11 for minute).
Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation
- Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
- Presentations
- Budget Matters
- Procurement Authorizations
- Procurement Authorization Amendments
- Notice of Awards
- Service Matters
- Other Business
- New Business
- Correspondence
a) Proposed Acquisition of 391 Alliance Avenue
1. The Board approved the recommendations as set out in the Confidential Attachment, as amended; and
2. Noted that the information in the Confidential Attachment remains confidential until such time as the transaction, which is the subject of the report, is completed.
b) Collective Bargaining 2014
In introducing this item, Chair Augimeri announced that the Board approved the establishment of a Labour Relations Committee comprised of Vice-Chair M. Adamson and Commissioners A. Heisey, P. Milczyn and J. Parker.
Chair Augimeri then moved that the Board:
1. Approve the recommendation as set out in the Confidential Attachment, as amended; and
2. That the information as set out in the Confidential Attachment remain confidential until conclusion of Collective Bargaining negotiations.
The motion by Chair Augimeri carried.
a) Customer Satisfaction Survey
C. Upfold, Chief Customer Officer and Acting Chief Service Officer provided a PowerPoint presentation on this item.
The Board received the presentation for information.
a) Chief Executive Officer’s Report – February 2014 Update
It is recommended that the TTC Board forward a copy of this report to (1) each City of Toronto Councillor and (2) the City Deputy Manager and Chief Financial Officer, for information.
a) Procurement Authorization – St. Clair West Station – Easier Access Phase III – Contract A45-9
It is recommended that the Board authorize the award of a contract to J.J. McGuire General Contractors Inc. (J.J. McGuire) in the amount of $11,277,400 for Contract A45-9, St. Clair West Station, Easier Access Phase III, for the installation of elevators and associated equipment.
Procurement Authorization Amendment – Program of Requirements and Conceptual Design – Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Facilities – Contract TC85-6
It is recommended that the Board authorize a Contract Amendment to AECOM Canada Ltd. (AECOM) in the amount of $9,000,000 to complete the design and construction support for the Leslie Barns project.
b) Procurement Authorization Amendment – Wilson Carhouse North Expansion – Contract C1-38
It is recommended that the Board authorize the amendment to Contract C1-38 Wilson Carhouse North Expansion with Buttcon Limited (Buttcon) in the upset amount of $2,069,532.00 (inclusive of all applicable taxes) to provide an extension to the terms of their temporary work assignment as Constructor for all construction works that are being carried out on the Wilson Yard project.
c) Design and Supply of Low Floor Light Rail Vehicles by Bombardier – Contract Amendments
It is recommended that the Board receive for information the summary of contract amendments with a value higher than $2.5 million issued against the Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle (LFLRV) Contract with Bombardier Transportation Canada Inc. (Bombardier).
a) Auditor General’s Report – Review of Toronto Transit Commission Bus Maintenance and Shops Department – Phase One: Bus Maintenance and Warranty Administration
The Board invited Jeff Griffiths, Auditor General and Alan Ash, Auditor General’s Office to provide an overview of the report scope and recommendations.
Gary Shortt, Acting Chief Operating Officer, subsequently provided a PowerPoint presentation on this item.
The Board received the foregoing for information and adopted the recommendation in the staff report, as follows:
“It is recommended that the TTC Board:
1. Receive the attached report from the Auditor General’s Office, City of Toronto, on the Review of Toronto Transit Commission Bus Maintenance and Shops Department – Phase One: Bus Maintenance and Warranty Administration; and
2. Approve the forwarding of the attached report for information to the Audit Committee of the City of Toronto”.
b) Staff Response to Auditor General’s Report – Review of Wheel-Trans Services – Sustaining Level and Quality of Service Requires Changes to the Program
It is recommended that the Board:
1. Receive the staff response to the Auditor General’s Report on the Review of Wheel-Trans Services – Sustaining Level and Quality of Service Requires Changes to the Program; and
2. Approve the forwarding of the attached staff response for information to the Audit Committee of the City of Toronto.
c) Appointment of New TTC Pension Fund Society Director
It is recommended that the Board approve appointing Orest Kobylansky to the vacant position of TTC Pension Fund Society Director.
d) Property Development – 480 University Avenue (St. Patrick Station)
It is recommended that the Board:
1. Approve, in principle, the entrance connection between the proposed development located at 480 University Avenue on the northwest corner of Dundas Street West and University Avenue, and St. Patrick subway station; and
2. Authorize the execution of an Entrance Connection Agreement in accordance with the Toronto Transit Commission’s Entrance Connection policy, and any other agreements arising as a result of the development, all on terms and conditions acceptable to TTC’s General Counsel.
e) Lease Extension and Amendment – 6th and 9th Floors – 5160 Yonge Street
It is recommended that the Board approve the agreement to extend the term of the lease dated January 24, 2006, between the Great-West Life Assurance Company and London Life Insurance Company (the “Landlord”) and the Toronto Transit Commission (the “Tenant”) for the 6th and 9th floors at 5160 Yonge Street for a term of five (5) years beginning on October 1, 2014 and ending on September 30, 2019 at a total cost of $9,063,773.00.
f) Planning and Consultation Process for Second Exits – Local Working Groups
It is recommended that the Board receive this report for information.
a) Extreme Cold Weather Alerts & Overnight Bus Service
Submitted by Commissioner Colle:
It is recommended that the Board:
1. Direct Staff to report back jointly with Toronto's Chief Medical Officer of Health and the City's Shelter, Support and Housing Office on the cost and benefits of free service on the TTC's "Blue Line" overnight bus lines when an extreme cold weather alert is declared by the City of Toronto;
2. That the report explore the option of the City of Toronto offsetting the TTC's cost up to a maximum of 10% of the total operating costs of the "Blue Line" overnight service.
In light of the number of extreme weather alerts in Toronto this year (27 in 2013-14 compared to 9 in 2012-13) and the growing number of vulnerable citizens that are out and without shelter during these weather events, the TTC should not charge a fare for overnight "Blue Line" bus services on these rare occasions.
During an extreme cold weather alert in Toronto, additional cold weather services triggered by such an alert such as the opening of additional warming centres and offering increased street outreach services in light of the fact that the TTC runs lightly used all night bus service on several lines across the City, it would be of great benefit to those caught out in extreme cold weather conditions, especially our City's most vulnerable and/or those without shelter to use the Blue Line bus service with no fare.
The financial and operational impact to the TTC and / or City would be minimal considering that these services are already being provided and this change would be in line with the accepted policy of extending City service levels during these rare, but dangerous times.
With this being a service added to the City's comprehensive Housing & Homelessness Services strategy, it is recommended that the City of Toronto offset the costs of the TTC providing this service up to a maximum of 10% of the TTC's operating cost for Overnight Services.
C1 – Angela Marley, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) forwarding the approved minutes of the December 20, 2013 ACAT General Monthly meeting.
The Board received the communication for information.
C2 – Josef Kates requesting to speak at a future meeting on early economical relief of peak period congestion on the Yonge subway and at Bloor and Yonge Stations.
The Board referred the communication to staff for appropriate action.
C3 – Alan Yule requesting to speak at a future meeting regarding “Future Proofing” our way-finding system.
The Board referred the communication to staff for appropriate action.
Supplementary Agenda
- Procurement Authorization – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project – Wilson Yard Connection and Wilson Yard Signal System Modifications – Contract Numbers A70-14 and A70-18
On motion by Chair Augimeri, the Board recessed as the Committee of the Whole at 3:00 p.m. to receive advice on this item which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.
The Board re-convened in public at 3:30 p.m. and adopted the recommendation in the staff report, as follows:
“It is recommended that the Board authorize a total expenditure up to $36,109,922.25 for Wilson Yard Connection and Wilson Yard Signal System Modifications, as set out below and detailed in Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C.
1. The award of a Contract, designated as A70-14, to Thales Canada, Transportation Solutions (Thales) in the amount of $11,755,189.81, inclusive of HST, for Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension - Wilson Yard Connection and Wilson Yard Signal System Modifications, which includes a credit of $3,928,800.00 to eliminate Downsview service track (Appendix A, Option 4).
2. The award of a Contract, designated as A70-18, to Thales in the amount of $24,354,732.44, inclusive of HST, for T1/TR - Wilson Yard Connection and Wilson Yard Signal System Modifications, including the following specified options:
a) Re-Signalling of Wilson Yard in the amount of $12,850,182.00 (Appendix B, Option 3), and
b) Relocation of Zone Control Panel in the amount of $179,704.00 Canadian dollars (Appendix B, Option 5)”.
The meeting adjourned at 3:31 p.m.