Customer service
Your feedback is important.
We're here to help.
We're here to help.
Please feel free to contact us by phone, online or in-person at our Customer Service Centre.
Your feedback helps us provide the best experience possible.
The experience you have when travelling on the TTC is important to us. TTC’s Customer Service Department welcomes all compliments, complaints and suggestions about our service and employees.
Lost something on the TTC?
There's a good chance we have it.
There's a good chance we have it.
How to let TTC know if an elevator or escalator is down at a subway station.
Read this week's customer compliments.
The TTC Way is made up of six pillars that describe how we treat others and how we expect to be treated. We are committed to working together.
Welcome to the Daily Customer Service Report, the score card with the latest information about our performance.