Board Meeting - December 16, 2015
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
Declarations of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
Resolution to conduct a portion of the meeting in the absence of the public (Committee of the Whole) in accordance with Section 29 of the TTC By-law to Govern Commission Proceedings and Section 190 of the City of Toronto Act.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Business Arising Out of Minutes
Public Presentations
Presentations/Reports/Other Business
Item 1. Presentation: 40 and 45 Years Long Service Acknowledgements for 2015 (For Information)
Item 2. Presentation: Appointment of Members to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) (For Action)
Item 3. Chief Executive Officer's Report - December 2015 Update (For Information)
Item 4. Presentation: Fare Policy (For Action)
Item 5. PRESTO/TTC Farecard Project - Status and Implementation Overview Presentation (For Information)
Item 6. TTC and PRESTO Governance (For Action)
Item 7. 546 Lansdowne Avenue - Tamil Co-operative Housing Inc. Air Rights Lease (For Action)
This report with confidential attachment is about a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land for TTC purposes.
Item 8. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Bombardier Propulsion System Parts (For Action)
Item 9. 2015 TTC Capital Budget In-Year Technical Adjustment (For Action)
Item 10. Accounts Receivable Write-Off Report (For Action)
Item 11. Automatic Train Control Project Update (For Information)
Item 12. City Council Decision - TTC 2014 Standby Premium Pay (For Action)
Item 13. Approval of Art Concepts for Coxwell, Wellesley, Royal York, Ossington and St. Clair West Stations (For Action)
Item 14. 2014 TTC APTA Audit (For Action)
Deferred from the September 28, 2015 meeting.
Item 15. Terms of Reference - Audit and Risk Management Committee (For Action)
Item 16. TTC Bicycle Initiatives (For Action)
Item 17. Proxy to Vote TTC Shares in Toronto Coach Terminal Inc. (For Action)
Item 18. Line 2 Modernization Plan (Potential Property Acquisition) (For Action)
This report with confidential attachment is about a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land for TTC purposes.
Toronto Transit Commission Board
A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 1, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 commencing at 10:03 a.m. The meeting recessed at 10:05 a.m. on resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole and reconvened at 1:05 p.m.
Present at Committee of the Whole
J. Colle (Chair), A. Heisey Q.C. (Vice-Chair), M. Adamson, R. Byers, J. Campbell, S. Carroll, V. Crisanti, R. Lalonde, J. Mihevc and D. Minnan-Wong (Members), A. Byford, C. Upfold, R. Leary, S. Reed Tanaka, B. Ross, G. Shortt, J. Taylor, M. Roche, M. Atlas, J. Lee, J. Kervin, K. Lee and M. Balanco.
J. Colle was in the Chair.
D. Cohen (Chair’s office), D. Magisano (Mayor’s office) and C. Hogarth (Commissioner Campbell’s office) were also present.
Present at Public Session
J. Colle (Chair), A. Heisey Q.C. (Vice-Chair), M. Adamson, R. Byers, J. Campbell, S. Carroll, V. Crisanti, R. Lalonde, J. Mihevc and D. Minnan-Wong (Members), A. Byford (Chief Executive Officer), C. Upfold (Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Chief Customer Officer), S. Reed Tanaka (Chief Capital Officer), R. Leary (Chief Service Officer), M. Roche (Acting Chief Financial & Administration Officer), B. Ross (Executive Director - Corporate Communications), G. Shortt (Chief Operating Officer), J. Taylor (Chief of Staff), G. Piemontese (Chief People Officer), M. Atlas (Acting Head - Legal & General Counsel), J. Lee (Head - Materials & Procurement), J. Kervin (Head – Property, Planning & Development Management), B. Hughes (Head – Farecard Team), C. Thoun (Head – Customer Communications), K. Watson (Head – Bus Transportation), A. Borkwood (Head – Customer Development), A. Iannucci (Head – Information Technology Services), E. Wiggins (Head – Wheel-Trans), V. Cosentino (Director – Statistics), M. Leo-Oliver (Manager – Special Events & Recognition Programs), M. Omran (Manager – Customer Experience), S. Sams (Manager – Customer Experience), M. Ritchie (Customer Experience Analyst), S. Nicastro (Assistant – Special Events & Recognition Programs), J. Garofalo (Special Events Representative), K. Lee (Head - Commission Services) and M. Balanco (Administrator – Secretariat Services) were present.
A. Heisey was in the Chair from 1:05 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
J. Colle was in the Chair from 2:50 p.m. until the meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
In this section
In this section
Minutes of Previous Meetings
Commissioner Adamson moved that the Board approve the minutes from Meeting No. 1992 and that the Chair and Chief Financial Officer be authorized to sign the same.
The motion by Commissioner Adamson carried.
Public Presentations
a) Fare Policy
Bob Brent
Alan Yule
Michael Rosenberg
The Board received the deputations for information.
(See Item No. 4 for minute)
Presentations/Reports/Other Business
1. Presentation: 40 and 45 Years Long Service Acknowledgements for 2015
Vice-Chair Alan Heisey was joined by Andy Byford, Chief Executive Officer, and Cheryn Thoun, Head of Customer Communications in presenting the following employees with framed certificates for achieving 40 years of service at the TTC:
Carmel Mercieca
izar Visram
James Harrison
Fred Latibeaudiere
James Daly
Ransford Roberts
Stanley Rossell
Salvatore Zammito
John Keeling
Philip Donohue
Liberato Palleschi
Amir Jiwa
Rosa Lombardi
Danny Neely
Brian Robinson
Eric Paskevics
The following employees were presented with a framed certificate for achieving 45 years of service at the TTC:
Vaclav Haluza
Anthony Simeron
Ronald Aguiar
Vice-Chair Heisey also acknowledged the following employees for achieving 40 years of service at the TTC who were unfortunately unable to attend the meeting:
Rose Cornacchia Susan Sartor
Albert Nywening Yohann Pieres
Douglas Cummings David Grant
On behalf of the TTC Board, Vice-Chair Heisey thanked the recipients for their dedication and commitment to the TTC for so many years.
2. Presentation: Appointment of Members to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT)
Vice-Chair Heisey was joined by Andy Byford, Chief Executive Officer and Eve Wiggins, Head – Wheel-Trans in presenting in-appreciation plaques to the following retiring ACAT members:
Craig Nicol Judy Berger
Tim Rose Raymond Dell’Aera
Sam Savona
Following the presentations, the Board approved the recommendation contained in the staff report, as follows:
“It is recommended that the Board:
1. approve the appointment of five candidates to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit, commencing their term on January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2018 (See Appendix A);
2. approve the appointment of three candidates to re-establish a pool to draw from in the event a member does not accept or complete their term and, if not used, to be short listed automatically for 2016 new vacancies; and
3. present the retiring five members with in-appreciation plaques and a transit pass in line with the number of years served in their term as recognition of their contribution (See Appendix A)”.
3. Chief Executive Officer’s Report – December 2015 Update
Rick Leary, Chief Service Officer, delivered a PowerPoint presentation on Performance Based Service.
The Board received the foregoing presentation and the Chief Executive Officer’s Report – December 2015 Update for information.
4. Presentation: Fare Policy
Chris Upfold, Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Chief Customer Officer and Arthur Borkwood, Head of Customer Development, delivered a PowerPoint presentation on this item.
The Board received the presentation for information and adopted the recommendations in the staff report, as follows:
“It is recommended that the Board:
1. Approve changes to TTC Fare Policy with specific emphasis on:
a. single cash fare in 2017
b. proof-of-payment system wide in 2017
c. ‘tap on’ to buses & streetcars, ‘tap on and off’ at subway stations in 2017
d. daily e-Purse loyalty on PRESTO in 2016
e. weekly and monthly Metropasses on PRESTO in 2016
f. moving the Metropass Discount Plan (MDP) to PRESTO online in 2017
g. migrating Volume Incentive Program customers onto the MDP program in 2017
h. peak and off-peak pricing as part of the 2018 budget process
2. Approve further analysis of:
a. single ride limited use PRESTO card for bus cash customers
b. no cash fares for bus cash customers
c. loyalty program options for MDP
3. Approve that no further analysis is required at this time for:
a. 2 hour time-based transfers
b. all-door boarding on buses
c. fare by distance/zone
d. cash fare proof-of-payment receipt for bus customers”.
5. PRESTO/TTC Farecard Project – Status and Implementation Overview Presentation
Bob Hughes, Head – Farecard Team, delivered a PowerPoint presentation on this item.
The Board received the presentation for information.
6. TTC and PRESTO Governance
The Board received this item for information.
an in-camera discussion on the Bombardier streetcar delivery matter.
The motion by Vice-Chair Heisey carried.
7. 546 Lansdowne Avenue – Tamil Co-operative Housing Inc. Air Rights Lease
The Board:
1. Adopted the confidential recommendations and instructions to staff set out in Attachment 1, as amended; and
2. Authorized the public release of the confidential information and recommendations contained in Attachment 1 to this report once negotiations with the City of Toronto and the Tamil Co-op regarding this proposal are completed and implemented.
8. Procurement Authorization – Supply of Bombardier Propulsion System Parts
Vice-Chair Heisey moved that the Board defer this item to the next meeting of the Board with the option to have an in-camera discussion on the Bombardier streetcar delivery matter.
The motion by Vice-Chair Heisey carried.
9. 2015 TTC Capital Budget In-Year Technical Adjustment
It is recommended that the Board:
1. Approve the technical budget adjustments as outlined in Appendix A to reflect offsetting project deferrals and accelerations of $77.9 million in the approved 2015 TTC Capital Budget to/from future year cash flow commitments (including related funding impacts) noting that there is no impact to project approvals or to City debt;
2. Approve 2015 funding source adjustments outlined in Appendix A including an increase of $4.8 million in Provincial Gas Tax Funding (PGT) Reserve Funds XR3018, offset by a $4.8 million decrease in the TTC Depreciation;
3. Forward this report to the City of Toronto for Council approval.
10. Accounts Receivable Write-Off Report
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
1. Approve the write-off of two uncollectable accounts amounting to $145,880.87.
11. Automatic Train Control Project Update
The Board received this item for information.
12. City Council Decision – TTC 2014 Standby Premium Pay
It is recommended that the Board:
1. Forward the attached report to the City of Toronto Audit Committee, in response to City Council’s July 7, 2015 request that TTC report to the Audit Committee on details related to Standby Premium Pay paid to TTC employees, including the amount paid in 2014, the job description for the positions paid, why the employees were needed, and whether they are included on the 2014 Ontario Public Sector Salary Disclosure list.
13. Approval of Art Concepts for Coxwell, Wellesley, Royal York, Ossington and St. Clair West Stations
It is recommended that the Board approve the public art concepts for these projects, noting that the TTC’s “Policy for Art in Public Transit Facilities” has been followed:
• Coxwell Station Easier Access: “Forwards and Backwards” by Jennifer Davis and Jon Sasaki;
• Wellesley Station Second Exit and Easier Access: Low-relief sculptural mosaic by Gisele Amantea;
• Royal York Station Easier Access: “rabbit STOP” by Noel Harding;
• Ossington Station Easier Access: “The Particles” by Scott Eunson; and
• St. Clair West Station: “The Commuters” by Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky.
14. 2014 TTC APTA Audit
It is recommended that the Board:
1. Receive the 2014 TTC APTA Audit – Request for Information;
2. Receive the 2014 TTC APTA Audit and Management Response; and
3. Approve forwarding copies to the Minister of Transportation, the Chief Coroner and the City Clerk.
15. Terms of Reference – Audit and Risk Management Committee
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
1. Approve the TTC Audit and Risk Management Committee Terms of Reference.
16. TTC Bicycle Initiatives
Commissioner Mihevc moved that this item be deferred for a cycle or two for a meeting of Commissioners Heisey, De Baeremaeker, Mihevc, appropriate TTC staff and city staff from the Transportation Department.
The motion by Commissioner Mihevc carried.
17. Proxy to Vote TTC Shares in Toronto Coach Terminal Inc. (TCTI)
It is recommended that the Board:
1. Approve the attached proxy to exercise the 10,000 TTC shares in TCTI.
18. Line 2 Modernization Plan (Potential Property Acquisition)
It is recommended that the Board:
1. Receive a confidential verbal update related to the Line 2 Modernization Plan for potential property acquisition.
2. Authorize that the information provided in the confidential verbal update is to remain confidential in its entirety as it contains information or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.
The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.