TTC CNIB transit card
The TTC has introduced a new version its transit card for CNIB customers. This card is available from the CNIB and provides CNIB clients who meet the criteria for the TTC CNIB transit card (i.e. legally blind and live in Toronto) with unlimited travel on the TTC.
There are a few important things you need to know about your card before you use it:
- Your new card works like a PRESTO card – tap it each time you enter a subway station or board a surface vehicle. If you need help learning to do this, you can contact CNIB at 416 486-2500 ext 8275 and leave a voice mail.
- Do not punch a hole in your card or it will damage the embedded chip.
- Your new card is valid for three years and will expire in January 2024.
- Your card will only be valid when used in combination with your CNIB photo identification card and is only meant for free travel on the TTC.