2023 Annual Service Plan
We are preparing our 2023 Annual Service Plan
In 2019, the TTC developed a 5-Year Service Plan (5YSP) that identified service, resource, and funding needs to improve transit between 2020 and 2024. As part of the 5-Year Service Plan process, we committed to developing (and consulting stakeholders and the public on) detailed Annual Service Plans (ASPs) every year.
Annual Service Plans build on the 20-point action plan in the 5YSP and identify how the TTC will serve customers in the coming year. They focus on modifying and improving service for our customers and refining previously identified service planning initiatives to address emerging and changing priorities.
We are now preparing our 2023 Annual Service Plan, refining initiatives approved by the TTC Board in the 5-Year Service Plan and considering lessons learned from COVID-19 to inform any short term changes we can make. At the same time, we’re beginning development of a new 5-Year Service Plan for 2024 to 2028, which will build on those lessons learned to identify adjustments that continue to meet customer needs and include a longer term plan to adapt to our “new normal.” Work and consultation on the new 5-Year Service Plan will continue after the 2023 Annual Service Plan is completed.
Main priorities of the 2023 Annual Service Plan
The 2023 Annual Service Plan (ASP) will continue to implement, advance, and refine actions approved in the 5-Year Service Plan, 2021 ASP, and 2022 ASP.
To develop the 2023 ASP, we would like to discuss the following items with customers and stakeholders to help shape the plan as well as listen to other suggestions to improve service in 2023.
- COVID-19 Learnings: Understand the travel patterns of customer segments who largely continued to use the TTC during the pandemic (low income, women, and shift workers) and apply these learnings to identify needs and priorities that benefit all customers.
- Line 3 Surface Network Changes: Discuss proposed bus network changes resulting from the closure of Line 3 Scarborough
- Line 6 Surface Network Changes: Discuss proposed bus network changes that will be made when Line 6 Finch West opens
Factors influencing the 2023 Annual Service Plan
There are several factors influencing the development of the 2023 ASP, including:
- Customer experience and equity considerations
- Technical analysis and operational insight
- Stakeholder and public consultation
- Line 3 Scarborough closure
- Line 6 Finch West opening
- COVID-19 lessons learned (which will also inform the new 5-Year Service Plan for 2024 - 2028)
Consultation process
From June to December 2022, the TTC will engage customers, stakeholders, and the general public to help inform the 2023 Annual Service Plan (as well as the early findings for the new 5-Year Service Plan).
Consultation will follow a two-round process.
Round One: Summer
The focus of Round One will be sharing and discussing:
- Potential system-wide service initiatives in response to shifting customer preferences, needs, and priorities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (with a focus on women, shift workers, and low income customers – who have continued to heavily rely on transit throughout the pandemic).
- Priority service initiatives, including draft proposed surface network changes to support the opening of Line 6 Finch West and closure of Line 3 Scarborough.
Round One engagement will include virtual stakeholder meetings with city-wide and area-specific organizations, focus groups with key customer audiences (organized through the TTC’s new Customer Panel), and surveys (available online, by request in the mail, and supported by a dedicated phone line).
- Integrated Focus Groups Summary
- Stakeholder Meetings Summary
- Stakeholder Meeting Presentation
- Round 1 Public Consultation Summary
Round Two: Fall
The focus of Round Two will be sharing and seeking feedback on proposed final recommendations for the 2023 ASP (and how feedback from Round One informed the proposed final recommendations).
Based on technical analysis and feedback received from Round 1 of the engagement process, the TTC would like to share and seek feedback on the refined proposals for the Line 6 Surface Network Changes and on proposed changes to bus and streetcar service on eight additional focus areas:
- East A - Northeast Scarborough
- East B - Scarborough East
- Southeast - South Scarborough-Beaches
- Northwest - Humberwood
- North-Central - York Mills & Leslie
- Southwest - South Etobicoke
- Toronto Zoo
- Liberty Village
Round Two engagement includes another round of virtual stakeholder meetings, Pop Ups at key locations, a survey, and Youth Ambassador-led engagement (building on our successful program to provide paid work and skill development opportunities for youth to engage their communities on service initiatives).
As the consultation process unfolds, we will post presentations, summaries, and other relevant links to this page.
Downtown Express bus service
The TTC regularly reviews route to optimize our service delivery and make sure customers are seeing service when and where it is most needed and used.
The five Downtown Express routes (141 Downtown/Mt Pleasant, 142 Downtown/Avenue Road, 143 Downtown/Beach, 144 Downtown/Don Valley and 145 Downtown Humber Bay) were suspended in 2020 and are currently under review as part of our 2023 Annual Service Plan exercise.
Further decisions on these routes will be made as part of that process early in the new year.
Sign up for updates
Information about public engagement opportunities will be posted on this page and promoted on the TTC’s social media. Please follow the TTC on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram or visit this website regularly for updates.
If you would like to receive updates about this work, please send an email to planning@ttc.ca, with the subject line “2023 Annual Service Plan.”