Complaints, compliments and suggestions
Complaints, compliments and suggestions
Your feedback is important and helps us provide you with the best experience possible.
TTC’s Customer Service Department welcomes all compliments, complaints and suggestions about our service and employees.
If your matter requires an immediate response, please contact us by telephone at 416 393 3030 daily 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (Please note the Customer Service office is closed on statutory holidays).
Submitting a complaint, compliment or suggestion online
Submitting a complaint, compliment or suggestion online is fast and easy. It is always helpful to include the following information as part of your description: date, time, intersection, direction the vehicle was travelling in, route, 4-digit vehicle number, subway station and location.
Wheel-Trans service
If you have any questions or comments about our Wheel-Trans services or policies, please contact Wheel-Trans customer service directly.
Fare Inspector & Special Constable Complaints (FISCC) Office
The Fare Inspector & Special Constable Complaints (FISCC) Office accepts complaints about the conduct of an individual Fare Inspector or Special Constable, as well as concerns about the policies and services related to the overall TTC Fare Inspector and Special Constable Program.