Engagement of Outside Counsel Policy
1.0 Responsibility
General Counsel
2.0 Purpose
To authorize the General Counsel to engage outside counsel when a matter requires the expertise or opinion of a specialist in a particular area of practice, or when, in the General Counsel’s opinion, it would be prudent for the Commission to be represented by outside counsel.3.0 Procedure for Engagement
Except in cases of an emergency, normal procurement practises shall be followed in the engagement of outside counsel. In case of emergency, the General Counsel may engage outside counsel up to the limit of General Counsel’s expenditure authority. Commission authorization of the engagement of outside counsel shall be obtained at the next Commission meeting in the event that the cost of outside counsel is likely to exceed the General Counsel’s expenditure authority.
4.0 Monitoring and Reporting
When outside counsel has been engaged in a matter of any significance the General Counsel shall monitor the proceedings and provide interim reports as to such proceedings to the Chief General Manager and the Commission.
5.0 Reference Sources
- Authorization for Expenditures Policy
- Procurement Policy