Environmental Sensitivity Policy
Policy Statement
The Environmental Sensitivity Policy defines the rules and guidelines for persons travelling on Wheel-Trans service who have an environmental sensitivity.
This policy requests that all persons travelling on Wheel-Trans services refrain from using scented products in order to promote a scent-free environment while on-board Wheel-Trans services.
The policy defines what an environmental sensitivity/disability is and what accommodations are required to ensure the health and safety of all persons travelling on board a vehicle.
The policy applies to all persons travelling on Wheel-Trans services.
TTC Wheel-Trans staff, including contracted service providers is responsible for following this policy. TTC Wheel-Trans Supervisors and Managers are responsible for ensuring this policy is followed correctly.
Legislative Requirements
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005);
Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation, Ont. Reg. 191/11; and
An environmental sensitivity (also known as multiple chemical sensitivities, cerebral allergies, chemical-induced immune dysfunction, etc.) is defined as a medically documented disability where adverse health symptoms present themselves after being triggered by exposure to chemicals and environmentals scents.
- Wheel-Trans has a responsibility to accommodate persons with environmental sensitivities, as they would any other person with a disability, to the point of undue hardship.
Examples of undue hardship may include but are not limited to:- Where Wheel-Trans has to dedicate a specific vehicle to a customer.
- Where Wheel-Trans’ ability to effectively provide efficient service is significantly impacted (i.e. customer requests a route diversion due to environmental sensitivity).
- Wheel-Trans operators, including contracted service providers, will always maintain care and control of the vehicle at all times. This includes:
- Determining the appropriate use of heating, air conditioning, opening windows and seating arrangements.
- Operators will always do their best to accommodate the needs of all customers to ensure everyone has a safe and comfortable trip.
- If a registered Wheel-Trans customer reports that they have an environmental sensitivity which may be triggered while travelling on the service they shall:
- Determine what self-accommodations can be made by the customer with the environmental sensitivity, for example, if a customer gets cold easily, they are encouraged to wear extra layers and if a customer gets hot easily, they are encouraged to wear loose, cooler clothing.
- Provide medical documentation that details the type of environmental trigger, the type of adverse health symptoms it presents and outlines what measures of self-accommodation can be taken by the customer to minimize their risk, i.e. such as wearing a mask, taking allergy medication, inhalers, etc.
- Customers may be required to attend a functional assessment with a third party medical specialist, arranged by Wheel-Trans, to document the same information required above.
- Environmental sensitivities will be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. The general guidelines are as follows:
When a customer encounters an environmental sensitivity while on board a Wheel-Trans vehicle:- Operator will determine the next available, accessible and safe place to stop the vehicle.
- Customer who is having the medical reaction to the environmental sensitivity will be escorted out of the vehicle.
- Operator will ask customer if medical assistance is required and operator will contact EMS if needed.
- Operator or mobile supervisor will remain with the customer until another pick-up time (within fifteen minutes of the incident when possible) has been confirmed and communicated with the customer.
- Customers who are having an adverse reaction to an environmental sensitivity while on board a Wheel-Trans vehicle (including contracted vehicles) will not be permitted to remain on or re-enter the vehicle. The vehicle is considered contaminated by the environmental sensitivity or allergen and therefore to ensure the safety of the customer encountering sensitivity, a new vehicle is required.
Wheel-Trans acknowledges that some chemically scented products that aggravate a person who is environmentally sensitive, may be in fact required for another person, due to the nature of their disability.
For example, a person may need to wear a specific topical skin medication for their skin condition.
This topical skin medication, required for their disability, may create a trigger for another person with an environmental disability.If this occurs, Wheel-Trans will resolve on a case-by-case basis to accommodate both persons to the point of undue hardship.
Wheel-Trans does not place the importance of one disability higher than another and therefore does not prioritize customer trips.
Related Documents
January 2014, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Policy on Environmental Sensitivities